Friday 12 February 2016


I have postviral fatigue. I'm kinda used to it now. I had Guillain-Barré Syndrome 20 years ago - google it - and landed up in hospital, unable to walk very far or carry things without them dropping from my lifeless fingers. It's a surprising condition and very rare, in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, specifically the myelin sheaths round the peripheral motor nerves. There are, I believe, about 10 cases a year in Scotland. Sufferers mostly make a good recovery over a period of a few months, but ever since, I've had this tendency to be very 'no weel' after a dose of the flu or even a really bad cold caused by a virus. 

The past couple of weeks, I've been mostly asleep, after having a cold that turned into bronchitis, but when I surface and switch on the telly, I find some quite amazing stuff has been going on while I've been out of it. 

Here I need your opinion: Is Cameron a bit thick? I know he went to a 'good' school and got a degree from a 'good' university. But he wrote a letter to his local council complaining about cuts in local government spending, almost as if he didn't realise the cuts we are all suffering from are down to the government he heads up. 

His entire cabinet seems to be made up of people just like him. 

In between lying about the state of the UK economy, Osborne has done a deal with google over their tax debt in the UK. Yes, debt - that's what it is, folks. Is he at all embarrassed at the paltry amount he has managed to get out of google? Not at all. He proclaims it as a major triumph. 

Jeremy Hunt has the same problem. It's as if these bloody NHS doctors had picked a fight with him and were pushing him to the brink. He started off by telling the public he wanted a 7 day a week NHS. Now he doesn't even bother with that. He just hammers on about how lucky these people will be to be working in the NHS with this new contract. I've seen some figures that suggest junior doctors will be earning £8.45 an hour. So many years of training and you end up earning less than a checkout person in Aldi. Makes you proud, huh? 

When I was in P6 in my Glasgow primary school, I did an IQ test that showed I had an IQ of 140+. Later on, I did other tests and it seems my IQ was 151. I don't set great store by these tests but I would love to know the IQ scores of people like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt. Not to mention the people who voted for them last May.

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