Thursday 20 July 2017

A cold call

I get a lot of cold calls to my mobile. So many that these days I don't answer the phone and don't call back unless I can be sure who is calling. Usually it's an 0161 or 0191 number. I don't know anybody with these dialling codes so I delete the calls. Today I got one that started 0141 and wondered if this was someone I knew. Not wanting to appear rude, I called back. And anyhow, I was sitting in the car waiting for somebody and it passed the time.

The person who answered said: Good morning, you're through to (buzz) from (buzz) and (buzz). I asked him to repeat that and he did. I was none the wiser but it was clearly some kind of cold call from a company. I asked him again what company he represented. He told me. Still none the wiser, I asked what the company did. He said something about 'trust.' I repeated my question: but what does your company actually do? Turns out they re-finance debt.

Debt? said I. I've been retired nearly 10 years and the first thing I did was to make sure I had no debt. First time ever in my life. Feel free to hate me, because you sound like a millennial and that means you're in the group of poor sods the Tories are trying to reduce to poverty with austerity, low wages, high rents, no hope of buying a house, minimum wage, short-term contracts and now they're taking the UK out of the Common Market so you can kiss your rights goodbye. Need I go on?

He was silent for a few seconds and then said: I hope you manage to stay debt-free.

O, I will, said I. And I hope you manage to remember the generation before yours didn't get ripped off the way you are - there is a better way to live - as long as you never vote Tory. Ever.

Thank you, he said.

At that point, the person I was waiting for turned up and we ended our conversation.

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