Tuesday 27 February 2018


I've had it with Brexit.

I've had it with TV and newspaper journalists who can talk of nothing else but still manage to make themselves look like complete eejits every time they open their mouths. Like the journalists who have so far blamed the failure to secure a deal on the EU, on people who voted remain, on business people who are trying to warn us we are walking into an economic disaster, on the SNP, on Tory MPs who refused to vote against their constituency or their own consciences and were labelled traitors by the newspapers.

I've had it with politicians. Today's reports of Boris Johnson reminding us technology has done away with 'borders' between London boroughs collecting the congestion tax - like there was some similarity with a border between two countries transporting goods and livestock and one paltry wee tax on motorists. With one country being an open door to another 26 in the EU and the other an open door to the UK. I'm sick of the Labour Party not being an opposition but trying to be everything to everybody even if that means flipping views just about on a daily basis. And most of all, I'm sick of the Tory government which got us into this mess and has no idea how to get us out.

I've had it with the way the government of the various parts of the UK is being neglected: laws are not being passed or repealed, austerity is still in place after 8 years and we're not even talking about it, people are getting poorer so retail industries are in the doldrums, the tax take is falling, the infrastructure is falling apart, the railways and hospitals in England are a disgrace, and EU citizens are leaving despite the fact we need them.

I'm sick of red buses, bullying by Nigel Farage, squabbles between cabinet ministers, some of whom couldn't run a menoj never mind a government department.

Am I only seeing the dark side of Brexit? I don't know. Tell me what the light side is.

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