Wednesday 11 May 2016


I couldn't find a photo of DC with his foot in his mouth.

I'd love to be able to dislike David Cameron but he's starting to make me laugh. How can you not laugh at a Master of the Universe, Supreme Tory and all-round Entitled Toff when he keeps putting his foot in it?

He's a PR man, for gawdssake, who can't do PR. He clyped on the queen for purring over the result of the Scottish referendum, failed to get a good 'settlement' form the EU and got himself forced into an EU referendum and he now hums and haws over whether he wants to take part in a TV debate on it. He lays into Jeremy Corbyn at every opportunity in a way that would be ruled 'offside' in any secondary school debating society. He also presides over the worst set of economic results the UK has had for 40 years. And finally he complains about corruption in other countries at the very time his own political party is being investigated for - yes, corruption in the last general election.

When he first appeared on the UK stage, I thought Cameron had been put up as a joke candidate and that someone more credible would emerge. But no, it looks like he's the best they've got. The choice we seem to have as PM is Cameron, his mate George (wtf is he on?) Osborne or someone often referred to as 'that buffoon Boris Johnston'.

Boris is another Entitled Toff - and he's not a buffoon. I heard a voter say on TV last week: 'You have to smile when Boris comes on the telly.' Fair enough. I smile when cats appear on my Facebook page. But that's no reason to make them PM.

I think Angus Robertson is doing a good job as the unofficial opposition spokesman in Westminster. He comes over as a sincere and thoughtful Church of Scotland minister and Cameron clearly finds him hard to deal with. But it's time for the official opposition to step up. Where the hell is the Labour Party? You've got an open goal here! Even if you hate Corbyn, rally round him and go for Cameron. The SNP (not my party) will back you up. You can sort your differences out later on.

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