Sunday 8 May 2016

Social f****** Media

I know t'internet is meant to be a free for all, but it would be good if we could all agree a basic code of good practice.

Some basic rules:

- Don't slag people off for how they look or for their sexual orientation or their clothes - try to behave like a grown-up

- People's opinions are fair game

- Remember there are people out there seeing what you write who will disagree with you

- If you don't want people to disagree with you, either get off social media or adjust your privacy settings so that only your nearest and dearest can see your posts

- Some of the people reading what you write may not like swearing so DON'T DO IT if you can help it - anyway swearing doesn't really advance your arguments

- Do a google search before you share certain posts: a lot of people will take exception to you posting stuff from Britain First. I will. If you still feel the need to share this garbage, expect a reaction

- If you find a 'shock-horror' story, don't pass it on until you've checked it out on Hoaxslayer. 'Facebook to start charging you for the service.' This is never true. It says so on the front page, ffs

- 'How many likes can this war veteran/disfigured child/dying baby get?' From me, none, because I know it's a scam

- Avoid arguments with wazzocks - I've got a few conspiracy theory folk on my list - you'll never persuade them their views are wrong but they are still entitled to live

- Post lots of photos of cats and some of dogs and cute children - you don't have to be radical but you do have to be entertaining.

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