Friday 27 May 2016

Have a good weekend!

It was only when my sister said "I'm off on Monday" that I remembered this is a bank holiday weekend. These big events mean nothing to retired people. For us, every day, every weekend is a holiday.

But have a good one, people, whatever you decide to do!

If you're going away, could you take the politicians with you, please? You know who I mean: Gove, Johnston, Osborne, Cameron. As awful a bunch of human beings as you could wish to meet in a day's walk. And shameless: prepared to lie and lie again in support of their side in the EU referendum. I almost wish for Brexit, just so I could see the plagues of toads and boils that we are promised by the Remain lot. And vice versa.

A weekend without them would be excellent.

My big problem is that I don't think any of these these people are acting in the UK's best interests - except, of course, that people like Gove and Johnston think everything that's in their best interests must be good for the rest of us.

This is a Tory fight. And the bad news is, no matter how the vote goes on 23 June, it won't be over: the Tories will continue to rip themselves apart right through the summer. The rest of us, of course, will just have to soldier on with failed policies like austerity, watching the Welfare State being dismantled, the NHS collapsing and industry disappearing.

But, in the meantime, have a good weekend. Keep the telly off, except when the kids want to watch the Frozen video or Toy Story or ET, which are bound to be running on a loop on ITV2. Have a barbecue or a take-away. Open the Prosecco.

And forget the politicians I named above because you can be sure they will forget you as soon as you stop being useful to them. Round about June 24, I reckon.

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