Wednesday 22 June 2016


Can you hear that?

- What? you ask.

- Nothing! Absolutely frickin nothing.

That's the sound you hear when all the politicians in the UK and elsewhere (let's not forget the president of the USA's contribution), not to mention the 'celebrities' (Beckham and co), the once-were-famous (Blair and Major), the losers (Brown and Darling) and the nearly famous (just about everyone else on a TV reality programme) - that's what you hear when they stop talking about the EU. Stop trying to bamboozle the voters with every kind of contribution except actual facts. Stop lying, even after they are caught out. Stop, to be honest, and this is just my own opinion, kowtowing to the ruling class.

While this lot were disappearing up their own arse, for the rest of us life went on.

The blessed Bob Holman died, a fine man who devoted himself to working on behalf of the poor and unloved of the east end of Glasgow. Margaret Thomson Davis died, a self-taught writer who proclaimed the heroism of working-class life in Scotland. Willie McIlvanney died, and East Ayrshire decided to name a new multi-school campus in Kilmarnock after him, a much better idea than renaming the Southern General after someone with no link to the area - but I'll spare you the details.

11,000 people who used to work for BHS lost their jobs. The boss who was responsible for this fiasco had un mauvais quart d'heure in front of a House of Commons committee and that was that. Tata Steel carried on with their plans to shut down their factories in the north-east of England and Wales, with more job losses. Neither company need worry. The pensions of their workers are safe because you and I, the tax payers, will make up the deficit. RBS announced more redundancies (packages paid for by the tax payer, no doubt). But nothing to worry about here. Move along, folks. Situation normal.

In the 60s, us young things used to wonder what it would take to get the Brits out on the streets in the kind of demos we saw happening in Berlin and Paris. Nothing, it seemed. I'm not advocating anarchy, but if the people in political office in the UK don't see the depth of resentment - hatred, in fact - felt among ordinary working people who see their lives going down the Swanee, then hell whack it into them.

Whatever the result of the EU referendum, there's going to be hell to pay. We're in new territory now. Because quite a lot of people weren't voting in this referendum on the EU at all, but in a referendum on globalisation, on low pay, crap jobs (and decreasing numbers of them), zero hours contracts, university educations that don't deliver a good job, on the unfairness of being led by Thatcher to believe the motto 'work hard and you'll do okay', on adult children living with their parents because they can't afford to rent, never mind buy, a place to live.

It's going to be interesting:
What if England votes to leave the EU but the rest of the UK don't?
What if the Tory Party don't agree to go along with whatever the decision is?
What if Scotland decides enough is enough and demands a 2nd referendum on independence?
What if the EU decides this has gone on long enough and the UK needs to simmer down and behave like a real member, rather than a spoiled brat.

All very exciting. I just wish I didn't have to live here while it's all going on.

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